Tuesday, July 31, 2012

(spoken word poetry by Henry "Judgebush" Akuete).  

I might die today in a church
Yea i might die because if i live i do not know
For my offense is being a christian and some think it's punishable by death
Not by the hangman's noose or by the noble injection
It is by the fiery inferno of a crudely made explosive
My execution is at the hands of a brainwashed zombie
Drunk with hate from a verbally served liquor
 spewing from the gullet of twisted sheik
He recruits soldiers he says to fight for God, 
a god he thinks too weak to fight for himself
Spilling the blood of innocents all for the ethereal gift of eighty virgins
My christian albeit infidel blood is only worth a sex orgy
I might die i know, and i might fall today
In this lowly church where i come to worship and pray for those waiting to kill me
I might die, i might get blown to pieces 
but all i have is love and a shared brotherhood with my muslim neighbour
Yea i might die and i might yet live but death comes to all
If i die today then be it for what i believe 
than for a crime of hate i commit against my neighbor
I might die, yea i might fall today
 but all i ask is forgiveness for the sins of me and my suicide killer
 blind with furious rage for a christian kin
My name is Henry and this may be words my last
For i might die and i might die today from the bomb of an islamic terror
@judgebushx (twitter)
 (spoken word poetry by HENRY "Judgebush" AKUETE)
Death oh death, woe unto her
She is a whore; a whore with an insatiable thirst to lay with all men
Standing by the road of profane vanity
She waits to defile my youth
Oozing with the putrid smell of all that have laid with her
She beckons to all with a smile that beggars a cry
With her scarlet robe of gruesome promiscuity
She yearns to foul your coveted virginity
Fat and ugly she opens to bereavement
She has no watch for time is her slave
All through time she has laid with the kings of men
Immortal for days past she drinks the tears of sorrow
Death oh death where art thou arisen?
Where art thou born to haunt my joy?
Taking the seed of young and unborn
She wallows naked in the river of desolation
I fear the looming dusk of sleep
for death comes her cousin within
Life is but a fleeting turture
But death be the undying bride of grief
Yes oh yes, i see and i know
That death is trully a whore
And yes i see that life is her pimp
Prayer for the innocents
(Spoken word poetry by HENRY "Judgebush" AKUETE)
 Yet the innocent blood be spilled
Bled by the dry thirst of greed and hate
With the lingering sounds of wailing ghosts
I bury my head to call passing sleep
The wailing of widowed wombs trespass darkness
While blue tears burn the cheeks of the remaining
Unable to buy sleep i sink knees to pray
In silent entreaty to a higher sword
If God yet be God then heed he my prayer
Send ye down the minions of heaven
To renew a paradise long lost to hatred
Let the earth tremble and bleed
Let the earth spit out the soul-less carrion of the slain innocents
Let the graves remain empty that once held the temples of dead prophets
Let the matyrs walk the earth a hundred days
And bid ye return the tongue of elijah
To call fire on the heads of impious kings
Let the sun hide its warming light
And darkness cover a long fortnight
Let the skies bleed fire and let fall the fiery swords of angelic hordes
Let the moon remain a burning mass
Till the evil departs the plains of earth
Let the cherubs descend to ferry the immortal souls of righteous children
While demons roam the earth to haunt the minds of the life takers
For every drop of innocent blood
May the choirs of angels sing a thousand hymns
Till mother earth returns cleansed
Washed of the wailing blood of innocents
May they sing a thousand hymns
Till paradise lost yet returns....